5 Things to Know Before You Apply for a Balance Transfer Credit Card
Are you swamped with too many credit cards with outstanding payment in each? One of the things you can do to solve this problem is to get a Balance Transfer Credit Card. With this type of credit card, you can practically consolidate all your outstanding balances into one card and obtain a 0% APR for the introductory period. Just like other credit tools, you should analyze the attributes of a Balance Transfer Credit Card before applying for one.
1. Reduce your overall repayment amount
With a balance transfer credit card, you can potentially reduce your high interest rate payments from your other cards, especially if you acquire one with a 0% APR. This way, you get to break up your outstanding debt into monthly repayments and pay them off gradually over the 0% APR introductory period.
2. Getting into more debt with a Balance Transfer Credit Card
With the wrong perception of balance transfer credit cards, and the allure of 0% APR credit cards, many consumers have gotten into further debt with Balance Transfer Credit Cards. This happens when they fail to pay off their monthly repayments in full, and end up being charged higher interests once the 0% APR period is over. What's more, they continue to spend on their credit cards and end up in a mountain of debt greater than ever before.
3. Best time for balance transfers
Although you may transfer your balances at any time, the best time to do this would be the time before your following month's credit card balance has been tabulated. With this, your interests for the following month would have yet to be included into your bill, resulting in a lower amount that is transferred to your balance transfer credit card.
4. Avoiding overspending on your credit limit
As some credit cards impose penalties for charges that go above the credit limit, getting a balance transfer credit card is a good idea to help avoid this predicament. This way, getting part of your outstanding payments transferred to another card will free up some credit on your existing credit cards.
5. The process of balance transfers
Transferring balances between cards is similar to making a charge to your card. The difference here is that the amounts are debited into your balance transfer credit card account by your existing credit card company. Simultaneously, your outstanding balance on your existing credit card will be credited, lowering or eliminating your outstanding payment for this card. One word of caution though, some credit card companies regard transfers as payments for outstanding amounts, while others may require a different process for balance transfers. In these cases, it would be best that you cross-check procedures with your credit card company before proceeding.
In conclusion, balance transfer credit cards are great tools for consumers as long as they know how to utilize them in the proper way. Otherwise, they will just be instruments of debt.
Alan Bernstein recommends Find Credit Cards to apply for a balance transfer credit card today.
Labels: 0_balance_transfer_fee, apply_balance_card_credit_transfer, balance_card_credit_online_transfer, balance_transfer_loan, chase_credit_card_balance_transfer